Khenpo Jigme and Menpa Nashalla will be leading a retreat on Medicine Buddha and Compassion Practice of Tonglen as a merged practice October 19th - 21st at Shambhala Mountain Center.
Tonglen is a practice of giving and receiving, perfectly manifesting the embodiment of Medicine Buddha. Intermingling these practices helps those experiencing pain of any kind, illness, as well as those dying or already passed. Formal meditation practice, Medicine Buddha manifestation, and Tonglen work together to alleviate suffering and provide tools to transform poisonous emotions and illness into healing energy for self and others.
In this weekend we practice ultimate compassion and dedicate this beyond our own benefit; so all beings may be touched by the same goodness we have rediscovered. Those new to meditation and healing practices, as well as those seeking deeper Medicine Buddha and Tonglen practice, will benefit. Participants may bring any fresh, unopened medicine for blessings and to learn how to use this practice with healing substances.
This weekend is open to everyone and is especially helpful for those in the healing arts. Register here: