If you missed the Four Dharma’s of Gampopa in September by our venerable retreat master Khenpo Jigme, you can hear it again on Monday the 23rd October in WY.
Gampopa Sonom Rinchen was a primary disciple of Milarepa and a important foundation teacher of our Kagyu lineage.
Grant your blessings so that my mind may be one with the dharma.
Grant your blessings so that dharma may progress along the path.
Grant your blessings so that the path may clarify confusion.
Grant your blessings so that confusion may dawn as wisdom.
Free to attend, all are welcome - donations appreciated.
Address: Canterbury House 110 S. 9th St. Laramie, WY
Hosted by: The Sangha of the Border Tribe of Laramie, The Laramie Mediation Group and The Rocky Mountain Thrangu Center
CONTACT / RSVP dalef@wyoming.com